In this issue: Headlines back on Twitter / Steamboat Willie is OURS / Why politicians make terrible podcast hosts / The Travis Kelce entertainment-industrial complex / The internet gets weird and niche-y again + more!
Vacation was good. Photo: Neal Ungerleider
Welcome to Context Collapse, the worldâs best comms newsletter. Iâm Neal Ungerleider. I run Ungerleider Works and used to work as a reporter for Fast Company, write op-eds for the LA Times, and work as a senior copywriter for R/GA. This newsletter helps readers navigate the weird new world of media and gleefully ignores all the conventional wisdom about journalism, public relations, marketing, and advertising.
Confession time: Iâm one of those people who likes work. Even if we lived in an alternate universe where hustle culture and the Protestant work ethic didnât exist, Iâd still be one of those people constantly creating and hammering away at different projects to see what works and what doesnât. The idea of not doing things makes me stressed out and mad.
Which is why it was so important to take two weeks of vacation at the end of the year. My wife has the good luck to be from Miami originally, we both have flexible jobs, and we spent two and a half weeks there so the kid could see his extended family. We went on airboat rides through the Everglades and to the beach where the five-year-old got absolutely excited about jellyfish. Had an absolutely massive Nicaraguan-American Christmas Eve feast and lit sparklers and poppers for New Yearâs with the family.
Airboat time!
I may have also taken some work calls from a childrenâs indoor bouncy-castle-and-ball-pit playground and from mall food courts, and may have rewritten a client spec sheet while my son climbed on top of me while shouting about how he wants to eat bugs. This is how we work.
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